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Monday, August 15, 2011

Right Thing + Wrong Time = Wrong Thing

It's been exactly 4 months, 13 hours and 30 minutes since that day where I thought everything in my life would feel like hell. Yes, it still hurts every time i think of it. It still stings whenever I remember that there's no going back, that there's no way I could change what has been said and done.

At my age, people would think I should be having fun, fall in-love, go to school, complete  my homework, shop, and whatever it is that teenagers do. I do those things, alright. There's just this one specific thing I had a major struggle with. LOVE. Like most girls I know, I've been struggling with it basically my whole teenage life.

You see, I thought it was the right thing. Everything was so perfect I couldn't imagine anything that could break it apart. We were happy, one without the other is not applicable to us. We were halves of the whole. Inseparable, as cheesy as it would sound. My best friend in more ways than one.

"Right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing."
My Discipleship leader told me one Saturday night. Hearing that straight from the person I trust woke my senses. I realized I've been dull for so long I never really saw the reality of my situation.

It was perfect, alright. But it was too early, much too early. Like I said, people my age shouldn't worry on such serious things. I realized that it was wrong to continue clinging for what I thought was really for me. Problems were soon coming our way. I wanted to fight at first, but my leader reminded me that it is still not the right time. And so I let go. It was hard, but it was also the right thing to do.

And now, I am ever so thankful for my leader for guiding me to where our Father wants me to be.

College's been helping a lot, too. I now cling to my new friends, always keeping in mind that nothing is more greater than a genuine friendship that will continue on until the rest of time. I am more than lucky to have met such great friends, they are the ones who keep me motivated to live my life as it is instead of the other way around.

Let's not focus on things that will happen at the right time. Enjoy the present, live the best out of it! :)